Le Comité des Archives de la Louisiane, Inc., is accepting applications for its annual travel scholarship award for 2025-26. This is a $300 award to defray expenses for conducting research at the Louisiana State Archives, located at 3851 Essen Lane in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This award will provide a stipend to assist those interested in Louisiana genealogy and history for whom distance and expenses present an obstacle to research in the state’s rich archives. The award will be open to genealogists, independent scholars, and others who are researching Louisiana genealogy and history.
Completed applications are due by July 1, 2025, for work to be conducted between October 1, 2025, and July 15, 2026. The award recipient will be announced at Le Comité’s Annual Meeting, typically held around late September or early October.
To apply, submit the following in one PDF document by the deadline to Judy Riffel at riffelj@bellsouth.net:
1. Cover letter
2. Description of the research project (two pages, double-spaced) to include:
a. Title and description of the project;
b. Statement explaining the genealogical and historiographical significance of the proposed work;
c. An indication of the specific Louisiana State Archives collections and/or records services the applicant will use; and
d. A brief project budget.
The awardee is required to submit a report suitable for publication in Le Raconteur. The report can be a short essay summarizing how the grant advanced their project. Specifically, they should state what they did, what records they utilized, whether or not they found the information they were seeking, and how they plan to use the information. Le Comité financial support must be acknowledged in any publication resulting from this funded research.
Le Comité will give the awardee $150 upon announcement at the Annual Meeting and $150 upon receipt of the final report.
Please address all related grant questions to Marianne Fisher-Giorlando at mariannegsu@gmail.com or Judy Riffel at riffelj@bellsouth.net.