Society of Southwest Archivists

presentation at SSA in New Orleans

  • 07 Oct 2013 9:55 AM
    Message # 1406725
    I am interested in making a proposal for a session at the Annual Meeting. the proposed title for my presentation is, "Stories We Don't Tell, Or Do We?" What I am interested in is how we leave things out for various reasons, offending donors, privacy issues, obtaining tenure. Some of the issues that we have tackled--and handled in different ways--are homosexuality, racial slurs, graphic wartime images--

    This could be--I think--an interesting and thought provoking session.

    Are there other people interested in presenting or chairing the session?

    Please feel free to contact me for questions or comments

  • 05 Nov 2013 11:17 AM
    Reply # 1428228 on 1406725

    I'm interested in participating in this session.


    As you might imagine, in the aviation safety archives here we have a lot of materials that are sensitive in nature, chiefly related to aircraft accidents. There is a lot of thought that goes into how we can handle these items appropriately to make them discoverable and accessible to researchers while ensuring that we are sensitive to the feelings of the families of accident victims (and also cognizant of the possibility of very bad publicity for us and the university should we not take appropriate care). In addition we have other confidential and proprietary information that has found its way into our holdings and which requires care in handling as well as in figuring out how to present it.


    Melissa Gottwald

    Aviation Safety and Security Archives

    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


  • 22 Nov 2013 11:38 AM
    Reply # 1444170 on 1406725
    Deleted user
    Hi Penny,

    I was thinking of asking for presenters for a panel along similar lines - what fortune you've already done so! 

    Recently I've been processing images and documents related to the 1980 Penitentiary of New Mexico prison riot (part of the records of the Public Defender of NM). Images and witness testimony are extremely graphic at times. As well, 1980 is recent enough that many people keenly remember the riot. New Mexico is a unique state, with a rather small and close-knit community; many people knew someone who was involved in the riot, either as an inmate or corrections department staff. 

    This collection brings up all sorts of archival issues I've never before encountered quite so keenly, including privacy issues, dealing with almost contemporary medical and forensic records, restrictive access, professional ethics,  and so on.  

    A further topic for discussion might be how the archivist herself manages processing such tragic documents. These boxes were untouched since they were accessioned, simply because staff and even management did not want to look inside. In fact, it was only a proposed Penitentiary "Museum" and exhibit by Dept. of Corrections that finally spurred the processing.

    Please let me know if this sounds fitting to your panel concept. I'd love to present.


    Emily R. Brock

    Senior Archivist

    New Mexico State Records Center and Archives

    Ph: (505) 476-7946


    1205 Camino Carlos Rey, Santa Fe NM 87507, 505-476-7900  

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