Texas Oral History Association - Call for Papers

  • 31 Oct 2016 11:42 AM
    Message # 4357469

    Texas Oral History Association

    Call for Papers

    Sixth Annual Conference | March 25th, 2017
    Texas Tech University | 
    Lubbock, Texas

    The Texas Oral History Association (TOHA), founded in 1983, promotes the use and good practices of oral history research through a variety of programs and publications, including the journal Sound Historian. Comprised of individuals representing diverse interests and disciplines, the professional organization will host its sixth annual conference on March 25th, 2017, at the National Ranching Heritage Center on the campus of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.

    Scholars, educators, students, history enthusiasts, folklorists, family historians, and others are encouraged to submit proposals for papers or sessions to be considered for the program. Topics should include clear evidence of oral history research or provide new insights on the methodology.

    Both complete session and individual paper proposals are welcome. Individual presentations must not exceed twenty minutes, and the session format will include opening remarks by a chair, followed by three papers, or by two papers and concluding remarks from a commentator.

    Proposals should include the names, affiliations, and contact information of participants, the titles of sessions and papers, and a brief description of the topics to be covered. Please submit your proposals via email by January 27th, 2017.

    Direct all submittals and inquiries to Perky Beisel at pbeisel@sfasu.edu

    Thank you and we look forward to your submissions!