Society of Southwest Archivists

A. Otis Hebert, Jr. Continuing Education Scholarship

The first president of the Society of Southwest Archivists, A. Otis Hebert, Jr. (1930-1976) was a noted historian, educator, archivist, and expert on Louisiana and the culture of Acadiana. An editor of Louisiana History and a member of the National Archives Advisory Council, Hebert served as director of the Louisiana Department of Archives and Records from 1966 to 1974. He left the state archives to become director of the Center for Acadian Folklore and Culture at the University of Southwestern Louisiana from 1974 to 1976.

In 1971 Hebert joined with a small band of archivists from Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma to found the Society of Southwest Archivists.

The Scholarship

In honor of SSA’s founding president, this scholarship is intended to further the professional training of working archivists in the Southwest. It is especially intended to help archivists whose institutions may not be able to support continuing education. The scholarship was created through a generous bequest by SSA founder and first president A. Otis Hebert, Jr. It is maintained and increased in large part by SSA member donations.

The scholarship is for an amount up to $1,000, must be used during the respective calendar year, and may support attendance at a workshop, archival institute, the SSA annual meeting, or other archival continuing education activity. The Hebert scholarship winner is required to write an article for the SSA newsletter describing the workshop attended and the benefit to the recipient. 

The application deadline is February 16, 2025 at 11:59pm CST for emailed applications and supporting documentation. Send applications to the Chair of the Scholarships Committee, at


Past A. Otis Hebert, Jr. Continuing Education Scholarship Recipients

2024 Janine Smith

2023 Penny Clark

2022 Jacqueline Devereaux

2021 No Applicants due to the global pandemic
2020 Not Awarded due to the global pandemic
2019 Elena Perez-Lizano
2018 Nicholas Skaggs
2017  ​Jennifer Day
2016  Alexis Van Pool
2015  Brenda Bradford
2014  Holly Hasenfratz
2013  Jonna Paden
2012  Adrianne Pierce
2011  Jeanne Prince
2010  Bradley Wiles
2005  Felicia Lujan
2004  Allison Beechwood
2003  James W. Carlson
2002  Dena McDuffe
2001  Gaylon Corbin
2000  Melissa T. Salazar
1999  Daphne Arnaiz-DeLeon
1998  Sharon Perry Martin
1991  Sandra Jaramillo-Macias
1990  Robert Clark
1989  Edward Loch
1988  Jackie Thull
1987  Adelaide B. Elm
1986  Shirley Rodnitzky
1985  Kathie Bordelon

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