Society of Southwest Archivists

Annual Meetings

Proposing to host a meeting?

The SSA Site Selection Committee and the Executive Board choose the location of the annual meeting from proposals submitted by members. If you are thinking about hosting, first consider what your city has to offer your guests.

  1. Does your city have hotel and convention facilities available?
    • Is the location of the facility near local attractions?
    • Are there a variety of restaurants within walking distance?
    • Is the size of the facility appropriate?
    • Can an affordable room rate be negotiated with the hotel?
    • Consider vendor space carefully for maximum contact with attendees.
  2. Is there a major airport nearby, and if not, what kind of transportation can be used?
  3. What activities could you schedule outside of the meeting?
  4. What kind of local arrangements support could you garner from the area?
    • Are there SSA members to serve on the LAC?
    • Is there financial or in-kind support from local businesses?

Proposals are sent to the Annual Meeting Site Selection Committee Chair in writing at least 24 months in advance of the proposed meeting. Proposals can be sent as early as 3 years out, and should include the following information:

  • potential Local Arrangements Committee Chair and members (must be current SSA members to serve)
  • examples of available hotel and convention facilities
  • points of interest to the organization
  • transportation available to and from proposed city
  • Potential local exhibitors, sponsors, or donors

Committee Coordinator Contacts

Local Arrangements Committee 2025 Chair - Zack Stein


Future LAC Dates and Locations

2025 - Lafayette, Louisiana

2026 - Waco, Texas

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