Society of Southwest Archivists

SSA Election 2015

27 Feb 2015 4:08 PM | Patricia A. Threatt

SSA members:

The upcoming annual election will be held from March 16thto April 12th.  If you have a valid e-mail address in your SSA profile online, you will be able to vote electronically.  If you want to vote electronically, but do not have a valid e-mail address currently, please input one by March 1st.  Paper ballots will be mailed out to all members without a valid e-mail address in by March 1st.


You must be a current member of SSA to vote in the election, so if your dues are currently in arrears, please also pay them by March 1st.  The election ballot will include biographies on all the candidates.


Results of the election will be announced at the annual business meeting on Saturday, May 23rd in Arlington, TX and published in the August newsletter.


Vice-President (vote for 1)

Claudia Rivers (UTEP)

Morgan Gieringer (UNT)


Treasurer (vote for 1)

Kristy Sorensen (Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary)

Unopposed (Election needed to keep Treasurer and Secretary elections during alternating years)


Executive Board (vote for 3)

Trish Nugent (LoyolaUNO)

Lynn Whitfield (Texas Tech)

Brian Collins (Dallas Public Library)

Barry Cowan (LSU)

Michelle Riggs (LSU-Alexandria)

Howard Margot (Historic New Orleans Collection)

Stephanie Bayless (Butler Center for Arkansas Studies)


Scholarship Committee (vote for 1)

Holly Hasenfratz (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum)

Amanda Norman (Baylor)

Amy Allen (UArkansas)


Nominating Committee (vote for 1)

Kate Blalack (Woody Guthrie Center)

Halley Grogan (TSLAC)

Joyce Martin (Arizona State)


Thank you to everyone who agreed to be on the ballot.  See you in Arlington!


SSA Nominating Committee, 2015

Mark Lambert, Chair

Mike Miller

Emily E. Hyatt

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