Society of Southwest Archivists

Society of Southwest Archivists 2023: Exhibitors and Sponsors

  • 26 Apr 2023
  • 29 Apr 2023
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico


Registration is closed

Society of Southwest Archivists 2023 Annual Meeting

Albuquerque, New Mexico


Online via Zoom

Exhibits - $350

Exhibiting space includes booth space with one 6 ft. table, floor length drape, 2 chairs, electricity, and wireless access in a spacious vendor room. 

Exhibitors receive one paid registration, ad or logo placement on the conference website (see sizing under advertisements); live streamed interactive discussion with the vendor for virtual and on-site audience, and the business logo set up in a rotating vendor room display running during the conference.

Exhibitors are responsible for their own accommodations. Please see the conference website for more information on rates. 

Business and Organizational Sponsorships - from $450 - $9,025

Student Internships: $650 to $2,624.80

AV/Technology Needs for Virtual/In-Person Format: $2,190 to $9,025

Vendor Room/Refreshments: $400 to $4500

Events - Plenary, Tours, Receptions: $1,300 - $6,000

Sponsorships receive two paid registrations, tickets for all events for two attendees, recognition from the podium, specific signage for sponsored category, ad or logo placement on conference website (see sizing under advertisements), and ad or logo set up in a rotating vendor room display running during the conference.

Advertisements - Please see the Advertisements page.

For questions pertaining to advertisements, exhibitions, or sponsorships, please contact Portia Vescio.

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