Society of Southwest Archivists

State Partnerships and Outreach Committee

The State Partnerships and Outreach Committee (SPOC) encourages archival professionals to reach beyond our own professional groups and present at historical, genealogical, and other interdisciplinary, non-archives conferences that attract users of archives and potential donors of archival material. These activities should promote archives and the archival profession. The Committee supports this mission by reviewing applications to the State Partnerships and Outreach Fund.

Established by SSA in 2021, the State Partnerships and Outreach Fund helps cover SSA members’ costs when presenting on archival topics to non-archivists. The Fund is also to be used for SSA session sponsorships at state or regional historical associations’ annual conferences. For information on how to apply, visit the SPOC Fund page.

Want to learn more about the history and mission of the State Partnerships and Outreach Committee? Check out this Archival Outlook article about SPOC.

The members of SPOC have put together a list of regional and national organizations and meetings to help members find allied organizations with which to collaborate. Check out the spreadsheet here. Do you have a suggestion for a group that isn’t included on this list? Send us a note at


Kristy Sorensen, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary


Brooke Lake, Monocurate LLC


Sara Barclay, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville

Susannah Broyles, Texas State University

Will Buckingham, Institute for Public Ethnomusicology

JJ Compton, Oklahoma State University

Kure Croker, Tulane University Special Collections (TUSC)

Phyllis Earles, Prairie View A&M University

T. DeWayne Moore, Prairie View A&M

Jennifer Ottinger, Texas Woman's University

Heather Reinold, Arkansas State Archives

Zach Tompkins, Louisiana State University

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