The main goal of the Project Archivist is to image, preserve, and describe field photographs and index envelopes from the Sherwin Carlquist Collection. This role is funded by National Science Foundation-funded digitization project, “Advancing the Extended Specimen Network: Curating and Digitizing the Sherwin Carlquist Collection”.
Duties and responsibilities:
- Receive training in the use of project digitization equipment and workflows and demonstrate effective use of equipment and adherence to project workflows
- Receive training and consistently demonstrate proper handling of archival materials
- Consistently produce images that meet the project quality standards
- Maintain an average image production rate exceeding 15 images per hour billed
- Review images for consistency and quality
- Post process images to meet file naming and formatting standards
- Prepare images for transfer to third-party platform
- Describe digitized objects by using contextual information gleaned from field notebooks
- Continually track progress and log daily production metrics
- Coordinate and communicate with BRIT staff to ensure efficient, effective processes for receiving, imaging, and returning archival materials
- Physically arranging materials, rehousing as needed, and creating a collection finding aid
- Monitoring image production, performing quality control of images and metadata, and communicating project progress to supervisor
Required education and experience:
- Master’s in Library and/or Information Science from an ALA-accredited program
- Proficiency with Google Workspace, particularly Google Sheets
- Fluency with computers and familiarity with databases
- Familiarity with Dublin Core and Darwin Core
- Experience handling, arranging, describing, and digitizing archival collections
- Familiarity with Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
Additional eligibility qualifications:
- Ability to read cursive
- Proficiency and experience with digital photography, including tethered camera-capture software such as Capture One and/or photo editing software
- Familiarity with FADGI image standards for color accuracy and imaging quality metrics
- Strong problem solving and critical thinking skills
- Strong attention to detail
- Desire to attain professional knowledge in library and information science
- Independent thinking and ability to work both alone and with others
Position Type: Contractor
Position Duration: August 28,2023 - August 30, 2024 with potential for continued employment
Hours per Week: 40
Hours per Year: 2,080
Salary: $52,000
Application Deadline: August 7, 2023
"To apply, please submit required documents on the Project Archivist application form here."