Society of Southwest Archivists

Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Committee

The Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Committee is responsible for planning all aspects of the local arrangements for the Annual Meeting of the Society.
The committee functions as an events coordinator and all that entails. They select the dates of the annual meeting and the conference hotel. They work with the hotel to provide space and catering for education portion of the conference. They work with local vendors and institutions to provide attendees with a catered reception and repository tours.

Visit the Annual Meeting Guide to learn more.

Society of Southwest Archivists Annual Meeting 2025, Lafayette, Louisiana and Virtually via Zoom Events 


Zach Stein, University of Louisiana at Lafayette


Aimee Everett, Historic New Orleans Collection 

Computer/AV Coordinator: Donna Baker, Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA
Facilities/Catering Coordinator: Janine Smith, Loyola University New Orleans
Registration Coordinator: Scott Jordan, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Social Event/Transportation Coordinator: William Buckingham
Exhibitor/Vendor and Sponsorship Coordinator: Michelle Riggs Waller
SLOTTO Coordinator: Beck Smith, Historic New Orleans Collection
Publicity Coordinator: Olivia Peltier, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Zoom Coordinator: Whitney Russell
Additional Assistance: Jessica Gallagher

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