The DLF Project Managers Group is hosting two webinars this summer that will focus on project management when working with external partners. An organization's usual project workflows may need to be revised, changed or documented differently when partnering with external organizations that are not used to working on digitization or digital library projects at any scale. Our panelists will share their experiences working with such partners and we'll also be sure there is plenty of time for questions and discussion following their short presentations.
Our first webinar will be on July 20th at 2pm EDT
Panelists will include:
Danielle Afsordeh (she/her), Community Outreach Archivist, Central Arkansas Library System, Butler Center for Arkansas Studies. Danielle will be speaking on her community partnership with the historically Polish Marche community in Northern Pulaski County, Arkansas.
Brittany Bertazon (she/her/hers), Digital Project Manager, Utah State University, University Libraries. Brittany will be speaking on a class-integrated project that partnered with both the Utah State Archives and a state governmental agency.
Molly Huber is the Outreach Coordinator for the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL), which is based within the University of Minnesota Libraries. Molly will speak about the relationships MDL has with its over 200 external contributing partners and how projects are conceived, organized, and successfully completed.
Gabriella Williams is the Digital Projects Librarian at the University of Miami Libraries (UML). She served as both project manager and primary investigator on UML’s CLIR grant project to digitize Pan American World Airways records and create an aviation subject portal in DPLA. Gabby will be speaking about this project with specific emphasis on UML’s partnership with HistoryMiami Museum and their contributions to the project.
Register in advance for this meeting:<>
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you all there! Contact the Steering Committee (DLF-PM-STEERING@LISTS.CLIR.ORG<mailto:DLF-PM-STEERING@LISTS.CLIR.ORG>) if you have any questions.
Krystal Thomas
Digital Archivist
Florida State University
Strozier Library
116 Honors Way
Tallahassee, Florida 32306
(850) 644-5214