Society of Southwest Archivists

SAA travel awards to attend ARCHIVES * RECORDS 2023

  • 17 Jan 2023 4:17 PM
    Message # 13061417

    Are you looking for financial assistance to attend ARCHIVES * RECORDS 2023 in Washington, DC? There are four travel award opportunities available to help with registration, transportation, and lodging costs while attending the SAA Annual Meeting. See descriptions and requirements of individual awards below. 

    Nominations will be accepted until February 28, 2023. Note that you can apply for multiple awards in a single cycle, but may only receive one. All applications must be submitted online.

    Brenda S. Banks Travel Award

    The Brenda S. Banks Travel Award recognizes and acknowledges individuals, such as those of African, Asian, Latinx, Middle Eastern/North African, Native American, Alaska Native, or Pacific Islander descent, who have demonstrated professional archival experience and who manifest an interest in becoming active members of SAA. Recipients receive full complimentary registration and related expenses for hotel and travel to attend the SAA Annual Meeting during the year in which the award is received. In addition, recipients receive a complimentary one-year membership in SAA.

    Preview the application and/or to apply for the Brenda S. Banks Travel Award. All applications must include the following:

    1. Personal statement/essay of no more than 500 words;

    2. CV or resume. 

    If you have any questions regarding the award or the application process, please contact Annie Reid, Brenda S. Banks Travel Award Committee Chair, at

    Donald Peterson Student Travel Award  

    This award supports students and recent graduates from graduate archival programs within North America to attend SAA’s Annual Meeting. This participation must include either a presentation of research during the Annual Meeting or active participation in an SAA-sponsored committee, section, or roundtable. 

    Preview the application and/or apply for the Donald Peterson Student Travel Award. All applications must include the following:

    1. A 500-word essay describing the applicant's career goals and potential impact on the archival profession.

    2. Unofficial transcript to verify student status or copy of graduate diploma.

    3. Two letters of recommendation from individuals having definite knowledge of the applicant's qualifications.

    If you have any questions regarding the award or the application process, please contact Jessica Hornbuckle, Donald Peterson Student Travel Award Committee Chair, at

    Harold T. Pinkett Student of Color Award

    The Harold T. Pinkett Student of Color Award recognizes and acknowledges graduate students of color, and seeks to promote their participation in SAA and in the archival profession. Up to two awards may be given during an awards cycle. Recipients receive full complimentary registration and related expenses for hotel and travel to attend the SAA Annual Meeting during the year in which the award is received. In addition, each recipient receives a complimentary one-year membership in SAA.

    Please note that this year, in an effort to encourage the broadest and most inclusive pool of applicants, the awards committee has removed the requirement for official transcripts and letters of recommendation. Learn more about the Pinkett Award and preview the application.

    All applications must include the following:

    1. Personal statement/essay of no more than 500 words discussing your experiences with and/or commitment to working with, or documenting and preserving, the histories of communities of color.

    2. CV or résumé.  

    If you have any questions regarding the award or the application process, please contact Shelly Black, Pinkett Award Committee Chair, at

    Oliver Wendell Holmes Award  

    The Oliver Wendell Holmes Award enables international archivists, who are currently training or studying in the United States or Canada, to augment their experience by traveling to the Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists. Recipients receive a certificate and a cash award of $1,000 to help cover costs of the SAA Annual Meeting for archives students who are not U.S. or Canadian citizens (or permanent residents) and are studying in the United States or Canada. Self-nominations are welcome.

    Preview the application and/or to apply for the Holmes Award. All applications must include the following:

    1. Personal statement/essay;

    2. CV or resume. 

    If you have any questions regarding the award or the application process, please contact Biz Gallo, Oliver Wendell Holmes Award Committee Chair, at

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