Title: Archivist (Records Manager, Librarian)
Department: Collections
Status: Full Time, Exempt, Salary
Supervisor: Collections Director
Position Description:
The Museum of Northern Arizona is seeking a dynamic, forward thinking, user-centered Archivist to be responsible for implementing policies and procedures designed to provide access to, care for, organize, preserve, manage, and maintain the Museum’s archives and library resources. Serving as the Archivist, plans, refines, implements, and upholds archival policies and procedures with regard to professional processing, documentation, and access to archival materials. Serving as the Institutional Records Manager, the Archivist oversees the implementation of the Records Management Policy. Serving as the Librarian, aids library patrons, plans, refines and implements policies and procedures consistent with professional library standards. As part of the Collections team, supports Collections Departmental efforts.
Full position announcement attached (also available at:
This position is open until filled but first review of applications will begin 8 March 2018.