The Regional Archival Associations Consortium invites speakers to join a panel discussion at our annual meeting on how your regional archival organization responded (or didn't respond) to the COVID-19 pandemic. And regarding the non-response viewpoint - these are stories that I think people would look forward to hearing as it provides learning moments for us in planning for how to respond to crises that impact archivists in the future.
Did your organization feel prepared to respond or even know where to begin? How has your organization adapted in response to the pandemic? Has the pandemic fundamentally changed some of your organization's practices/operations? Has your organization placed more of an emphasis on having a prepared plan to turn to in light of crisis? Navigating the last year has challenged our archival organizations to evaluate how best to respond to their members' needs, and we feel that such a conversation would present a learning opportunity for all regional archival organizations.
Our group annual meeting will be held via Zoom on July 22 from 4:00 to 5:30pm (EDT).
If you're interested in presenting, please fill out this form by Friday, June 4.
Questions and suggestions for speakers are also welcome - get in touch with RAAC Advocacy Committee Chair Cathy Miller at We look forward to hearing from you!
Jeremy Brett, C.A. |He, his, him
Associate Professor
Curator, Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Collection
Cushing Memorial Library and Archives
Texas A&M University
5000 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-5000
(979) 458-7882