Hi all,
The Library Divestment from Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) Labor working group of the Abolitionist Library Association (AbLA) would like to invite anyone interested in abolition and PIC divestment to join us for the first of seasonal open conversations about divestment. This will provide a conversational space to share how we’ve approached divestment issues from different perspectives and situations -- it’s an informal opportunity to find and connect with other people doing aligned work. We want to emphasize how this hopes to be a conversational space, with all kinds of approaches to ‘work.’ We want to meet quarterly: January (winter), March (spring), mid July (summer), and October (fall).
Our first meeting will be for an hour the afternoon of July 12 at 4 Eastern / 1 Pacific. To RSVP, please go to this registration page: July divestment open conversation
To contact the group or request to join its email list, contact abladivest@protonmail.com. And check out our new website! https://sites.google.com/view/abla-divest/
Hope to see you in July,
Library Divestment from PIC Labor Working Group