Calling all Applicants!
The New England Archivists’ Inclusion and Diversity Committee has officially launched the Racial Justice Honoraria Fund (RJHF) and is looking for applicants.
The RJHF is designed to compensate people of color involved in a broad range of professional activities including: writing articles for the NEA Newsletter; organizing trainings, workshops, or programs; conducting research; policy documentation review; consulting on project development; planning for racial justice initiatives; and other projects as evaluated by the fund committee.
To be eligible, one must be:
A self-identified person of color, regardless of NEA membership, who proposes a project related to racial justice and equity, archives, or cultural heritage (for instance, a research project to be presented at a meeting or a newsletter article), or:
A self-identified person of color, regardless of NEA membership, selected by an NEA committee to lead or advise programs or projects related to racial justice and equity, archives, or cultural heritage.
Award amounts are variable based on the specifics of the project, as outlined below
Articles for NEA newsletter - $150.00
Honoraria for trainings/program/workshop - Up to $575.00
Research projects - Up to $500.00
Other projects (evaluated by the committee) - Up to $500.00
*Applications are accepted via this Google form on a rolling basis until the scholarship recipients are selected*
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to or