We are seeking participants for a research survey to assess the uptake of Linked Data technologies for cultural heritage description in the Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM) community. The results from this survey are intended to capture the degree to which Linked Data is being implemented or used by different constituencies, to identify perceptions on added value or pain points of LD, and to infer risks and opportunities for further development in the areas of domain modeling and software development.
This survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete depending on the specific responses. It can be paused at any time and completed at a later point.
Your responses are collected anonymously and cannot be tied to your name or email address. No demographic information relating to your person other than your occupational role will be collected. The data collected in this survey will only be shared in aggregate for research purposes.
10 respondents to this survey will be drawn at random to receive a $30 Amazon gift card.
The survey can be completed here.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the study’s investigators listed below.
Thank you,
Kate A. Bowers (Harvard University, kate_bowers@harvard.edu)
Regine I. Heberlein (Princeton University, heberlei@princeton.edu)
Stephanie M. Luke (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, smluke2@illinois.edu)