SAA Diversity Award
Established in 2011 and intended to address SAA’s Strategic Priority on Diversity, this award recognizes an individual, group, or institution for outstanding contributions in advancing diversity within the archives profession, SAA, or the archival record. Nominees will have demonstrated significant achievement in the form of activism, education, outreach, publication, service, or other initiatives in the archives field. The award is given based on the long-term impact on improving and promoting diversity as defined in the SAA Statement on Diversity. Open to an individual, group, or organization, preference may be given to SAA individual or institutional members. Up to two awards may be given each year. The prize will include a certificate and one complimentary registration per awardee to the SAA Annual Meeting occurring in the year in which the award is presented. In addition to a completed nomination form, each nomination must include two letters of support. Nominations will be accepted from any individual, group, or institution.
Past recipients include the Chicano Studies Research Center, the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at New York University, Joan Krizack (Archives Consultant), and Karen Underhill (Northern Arizona University’s Cline Library).
All nominations shall be submitted to SAA by February 28 of each year. The application form is available at