To: Leslie Wagner:
I have worked under Mark Greene at the American Heritage Center, 2006-2007. I also processed most of the records and personal papers of the California Province of the Society of Jesus in Los Gatos and then Santa Clara, 2008-2013.
I have recently taken on in San Antonio, Texas a large project for the Society of Mary whose collections of six provinces, dating form 1849, have not been processed archivally. The description and arrangement portion of this project would make an angel sweat (even with no physical body!)
Do you think you might have any interest in my working within your session on MPLP describing the obstacles which I am facing and the possible solutions?
I will eventually present a paper, perhaps in 2016 as a case study, but right now, your 2015 session sounds interesting to me.
Please respond.
Mary Kenney
Marianist Province Archivist