Fellow SSA Members,
We’re not even halfway through 2015 yet, but it appears to be a rather dramatic year for archives. From records management issues in universities to questionable email practices of public officials to laws that appear to be throwbacks to the early twentieth-century, there’s a lot going on that can affect both archives and archivists. With that in mind, the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists is launching a blog series called Archivists on the Issues and we are looking for contributors.
Entries should discuss how a particular issue in the news affected or could potentially affect you as an archivist and/or your collections. Unless contributors indicate otherwise, each post will be published anonymously. Institutional information will be limited to broad identifiers, i.e. college/university, government, corporate, etc. Please limit submissions to 500 words. We encourage multiple entries on the same topic, as well as rebuttals, and hope to generate a rich conversation about the issues confronting our profession.
Please send your submissions to archivesissues@gmail.com. We are also happy to receive ideas for posts and provide feedback.
Jeremy Brett
Jeremy Brett, C.A.
Processing Archivist
Curator, Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Collection
Cushing Memorial Library and Archives
Texas A&M University
5000 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-5000
(979) 845-1951
You deserve a longer letter than this; but it is my unhappy fate seldom to treat people so well as they deserve.
-Jane Austen to her sister Cassandra, December 24, 1798