Society of Southwest Archivists
This is a workshop designed for digital preservation beginners. The workshop will NOT focus on technical skills or software solutions, but instead will demonstrate how to develop digital preservation policies in a way that’s broadly applicable to many SSA members with varied goals. Whether an attendee is a lone arranger, a student, or someone who simply hasn’t had any experience with digital preservation. Attendees will walk away with increased competence and confidence in knowing how to approach the preservation of digital materials, including how to determine risk factors and policies based around their own collections, and where to look for assistance if they feel out of their depth.
Digital preservation is different for every institution, every collection, and even every individual. Nobody knows an archivist’s collection better than they do, and everyone brings different skills to the table. It’s vital that everyone feels empowered and capable of making their own decisions regarding the preservation of their digital materials, regardless of skill-set and background.
This workshop is led by two Louisiana-based Digital Preservation Librarians, Winnie Schwaid-Lindner and Vincent Barraza, and will guide 20 attendees through the decision-making mindset and process behind digital preservation policies.
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